Obligations and responsibilities of the participants in the excursions
1-For non-members of the club it is mandatory to make the registration to each route by sending by email to info@senderismosevilla.net the name and surname, ID number, date of birth and mobile contact of all participants. Registration that must be confirmed by Trekking Sevilla, accepting participation. Club members do not need to sign up.
2- Each person must be aware of the responsibility involved in participating in a route. Enrollment in the club or excursion implies accepting all the conditions and reading all the information provided by Senderismo Sevilla.
3- All participants must be between the head guide and the tail guide, being responsible for following the group. To leave the group it is mandatory to notify the guide, who will determine whether or not it can be done. If the group is abandoned, Sevilla Trekking is exempt from any responsibility.
4- The participant is responsible for carrying the appropriate clothes and the water and food necessary for each excursion, being responsible for asking Senderismo Sevilla if this has not been specified in his / her information.
5- If you go with children, those responsible for their actions will be the parents or people in their care.
6- If you go with dogs or any type of pets you must ask for prior permission, puppies are excluded. It is forbidden to go with pets on bus tours.
7- The participant is absolutely responsible for his physical capacity, being indicated the difficulty of each test by Trekking Sevilla in the previous information.
8- It is totally forbidden to throw garbage or waste on the routes
9- Trekking Sevilla is not responsible for accidents, fines or breakdowns that may occur in the vehicles of the participants during the trip to the departure point of the excursion, even if they go by caravan of vehicles on the way.
10- In ignorance or non-reading of these conditions does not exempt from its compliance