Hiking Augusta Emeritus

Hiking Augusta Emeritus

Level one (two routes) – 25th of February. We are offering two archaeological hiking routes, both level one in Augusta Emeritus. Together they’ll provide a day of trekking  and a fascinating look back into the Roman past of Merida. In the morning we’ll do a beautiful  6 km route around the Roman reservoir of Proserpina, and in the afternoon an 8 km historical route through the ancient city to see the superb monuments, finishing with a delicious meal. The whole package includes a bus from Seville.

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Embalse de Proserpina

The city of Emeritus Augusta was a Roman colony founded in the year 25 B.C., and was one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire. We are left with an impressive legacy, and on this tour, you have the perfect opportunity to experience it all fully including the Proserpina dam, aqueducts, the theatre and the amphitheatre, the House of Mitreo, the Arch of Trajan, the Temple of Diana, the bridge over the Guadiana.  It will be an unforgettable experience.

Recorriendo Augusta EméritaTemplo de Diana

We will meet at 10.30 a.m. in the car park next to Merida Aventura, the  GPS coordinates are 38.962373,-6.362263, see the picture below. We start with a beautiful tour around the reservoir which supplied water to Augusta Emeritus dating from the 1st century. It was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO and is a true gem,  so enjoy it from all perspectives as we circumnavigate it.

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Punto de encuentro

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Presa de Proserpina

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Detalle del embalse

Once the lake tour is over we’ll take our bus or cars and regroup for the  second tour at the Acueducto de los Milagros (Aqueduct of the Miracles) where our 8km guided trip through Mérida begins, which promises to be informative and enjoyable.

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Acueducto de los Milagros

From there we will head to the center passing through the aqueduct of San Lázaro and the Hospital Albergue to arrive by 2 p.m. at the National Museum of Roman Art of Mérida which we’ll be able to look round until 3 p.m.

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Museo Nacional de Arte Romano

From 3 until 4 o’clock, we’ll stop for a great meal in Mesón at the restaurant El Potter, and generally recover our energies. Afterwards, it’s on to see the very impressive and possible highlights of the day; the  theatre and the amphitheatre of Mérida. They are  two of the most important such monuments to be found in Spain.

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Anfiteatro de Mérida

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Teatro romano de Mérida

After finishing the visit we will continue on to the Temple of Diana, situated in a large Plaza known as the “Forum of the Colony”. Surrounded by important public buildings, it was the urban center and the main meeting place for the citizens of Augusta Emerita.

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Templo de Diana

Then we’ll finish with a tour through the house of Mitreo, the Arch of Trajan and the Roman bridge over the Guadiana, ready for the bus home at 7 o’clock. 

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

uente romano sobre el Guadiana

The price for the total excursion is  €43 for adults and €30 for children (€35 for club members) and includes: Journey by bus from Seville and back plus the transfer between the walks, the two hiking excursions guided and interpreted with accident insurance, an excellent restaurant meal, a visit to the theatre, Amphitheatre and museum. If you come by car and don’t use the bus the price is €32 (€24 for club members). To join us on the day, please register. If you want to come by bus you must pay by card (see click through on the button below) or by electronic transfer into our account ES08 018 2 3299 8202 0160 3487. Send us the receipt via our email (info@senderismosevilla.net) with your name and surname, ID number (or nationality and passport number) date of birth and a contact mobile. If you come by car you can pay on the day, but you must  to send us your data by mail or fill out the form below (one per person please).

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Recorrido desde Sevilla

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Track de la ruta del embalse de proserpina

Recorriendo Augusta Emérita

Track de la ruta por Mérida

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