Hiking Sevilla, come with us to walk…

Hiking Sevilla

What is Senderismo Sevilla?
Senderismo Sevilla is a hiking group based in Sevilla with the objective of hiking and keeping fit.
We want to share the outstanding countryside and landscapes of the Sevilla region and its surrounds, promoting friendship and fellowship , a healthy lifestyle and all the while protecting the natural environment.
We do weekend excursions at three different levels of difficulty, aiming to keep in shape and get fitter too.

How we work

You can join the club for 35€ as an individual (or 70€ for all the family), and join us on all the excusions for a year, or you can pay 7€ per excusion as a non member. This does not include transport.

Levels of hiking

First Level.
Suitable for families and beginners, the routes are a maximum of 10km with no more than 150m of ascent.

Second level.
If you have a suitable level of fitness, move up to the second level, and you can enjoy routes between 10 and 20 kilometers with climbs between 150 and 500 metres.

Third level.
Once you can demonstrate your fitness, join us for the third level of walks, our mountaineering level, which includes ascents of more than 500 meters.


Vídeos de Senderismo Sevilla que nos permiten conocer como son las excursiones de nuestro grupo

Sillas Joëlettes para minusválidos

Gracias a la colaboración sin ánimo de lucro con la Asociación Afoprodei para la promoción del deporte inclusivo, Senderismo Sevilla pone a disposición de sus clientes, tanto personas como empresas, dos sillas Joëlette y los voluntarios para portearlas para que todas las personas, sea cual sea su situación, puedan disfrutar del deporte en la naturaleza.


La Joëlette clásica monorueda, para las actividades de senderismo, el trekking o las carreras en cualquier tipo de terreno, incluso los más accidentados. La Joëlette es una silla todo terreno con una sola rueda que permite a cualquier persona con movilidad reducida o con discapacidad practicar el senderismo con la ayuda de al menos dos acompañantes.

Tours ecológicos para empresas

Senderismo Sevilla organiza rutas de senderismo para empresas. Nosotros nos encargamos de todo. Pida presupuesto, éxito asegurado.

Plan Puesta en Forma

Para una buena puesta en forma o bajada de peso te recomendamos el trabajo entre semana en nuestra sede y alrededores con nuestro técnicos. Para ello hemos confeccionado el programa puesta en forma con caminatas y ejercicios entre semana para ponerte a tono rápidamente. Visita la web AnaQuiromasaje.com y por ser socio de Senderismo Sevilla tendrás grandes descuentos en todos los tratamientos de nuestra sede.










Publicidad actividades

Si eres un organizador de rutas o actividades de turismo activo, nos encargamos de mover tus excursiones mediante campañas en redes sociales, campañas seo y sem, creación de páginas web y otros medios de publicidad.


Next excursions

El Tajo del Aguila

El Tajo del Aguila

Level Two - February 24. El Tajo del Aguila is a very nice excursion that takes place in the Cadiz town of Aguila.It has a little more than 12 km and 434 of accumulated rise thus qualifying it as a level two or moderate. For this route you will be able to arrive by...

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Circular de la Presa de Bornos

Circular de la Presa de Bornos

    Low Level Two - On Saturday February 23 we are going to make a trip to La Circular de la Presa de Bornos. It's a very simple and recommended route too for beginners and kids that has 10.5 km and 250 meters accumulated height in ascent. The trip is to be...

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Hiking in Ceuta

Hiking in Ceuta

Level two- On June 3 we will go back to Ceuta for two great hikes in the African continent. We will have two simultaneous routes: Level one is 12 Km with 250 meters of elevation for the beginner hikers. Level two is 17 km with 500 meters elevation gain for...

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Cuevas de la Batida

Cuevas de la Batida

Level one - January 20 2018.  Las Cuevas de la Batida is an excursion through the city of Carmona and its surroundings, where we'll  visit  both the town center with its parador and the caves. It's a 9km route with 190 meters of ascent . We'll travel to...

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Pinares Dehesa de Abajo

Pinares Dehesa de Abajo

€18.00 The excursion "Pine Groves of the Dehesa de Abajo" is a level one excursion taking place on Saturday January 13th. Firstly we'll trek for an easy 8km then visit the Dehesa de Abajo nature reserve, followed by a restaurant meal. It is a tour designed...

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Los Angeles Trail

Los Angeles Trail

€30.00 We begin our 2018 season with the "Los Angeles Trail", a 12 km linear there and back route including 200 meters of ascent , following the riverbed of the Bembezar Reservoir. It is an easy level two excursion, and includes a lovely hour and a half...

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Torcal de Cancha Bermeja

Torcal de Cancha Bermeja

The excursion "Torcal of Cancha Bermeja" is a level two 16km walk with 424 meters of ascent, taking place on Sunday January 25th 2018. Be prepared for walking on rocks for 5km of the route. You will have the satisfaction of completing one of the most...

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The Italica Route

The Italica Route

Level One – January 27th. The Italica Route is a good day out, starting from Seville out to Santiponce, and from there taking a guided tour back into the past of  the Roman city. The first part of the trip is 8.5 km and 2.5 km for the second,  both are...

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Algodonales Víboras Trail 17

Algodonales Víboras Trail 17

Level three-28 January. The route of the Algodonales Víboras Trail (which translates literally as "Cotton Snakes Trail)  is a homage by us to one of the most testing routes in Andalusia.  At 16 km in length and 916 meters of accumulated ascent,  this route is a level...

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Escape to the Caminito del Rey

Escape to the Caminito del Rey

Volvemos de excursión este verano en el Caminito del Rey para las fechas del 5 y 26 de agosto por la mañana y el 9 de septiembre por la tarde. Igual que la primera vez haremos el recorrido desde la entrada norte en Ardales. Es un nivel uno...

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The two rivers

The two rivers

Level two, February 4th 2018. The two rivers is a beautiful excursion taking place on February 4th in the Sierra de Aracena, between the towns of Alajar and Santa Ana la Real. It's 16 km long with 310 of ascent, making this a level 2 walk. For this...

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Hiking Augusta Emeritus

Hiking Augusta Emeritus

Level one (two routes) - 25th of February. We are offering two archaeological hiking routes, both level one in Augusta Emeritus. Together they'll provide a day of trekking  and a fascinating look back into the Roman past of Merida. In the morning we'll do...

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Our levels

Suitable for families and beginners, the routes are a maximum of 10km with no more than 150m of ascent.

If you have a suitable level of fitness, move up to the second level, and you can enjoy routes between 10 and 20 kilometers with climbs between 150 and 600 metres.

Once you can demonstrate your fitness, join us for the third level of walks, our mountaineering level, which includes ascents of more than 600 mete

  • Level 2 80% 80%
  • Level 1 45% 45%
  • Level 3 95% 95%

Membership fees


35 Euros a year. Annual membership. Public liability. Permissions. Tested routes.


Family membership. 70 Euros a year. Membership for all the family (parents and children under 18). Public liability. Permissions. Tested routes.

Keep Fit

30 Euros a year plus 15 Euros a month. Annual membership. Public liability. Permissions. Tested routes. Weekly keep fit sessions.


Pay as you go

If you want to join us without becoming a member, each trip costs 7€ per person (2€ per child under 18).


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